Frequently Asked Questions

General Topics

(Property taxes, street lights, water/sewer, roads)

What is a MUD?

A Municipal Utility District is a political subdivision of the State. It is governed by Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code. The Ranch at Cypress Creek Municipal Utility District provides drainage, landscaping and restrictive covenant service services, and also contracts with the City of Cedar Park to provide water and wastewater services and for fire protection services. The MUD also has the authority to undertake certain right-of-way beautification projects, and to enforce restrictive covenants.

Who is the Board?

The Board of Directors is composed of five members, who are elected by the residents of the MUD. All of the Board members reside or own property within the MUD. Elections are held in May of even-numbered years, and Board members serve four-year, staggered terms.

What are the rules for conducting Board Meetings?

The Ranch at Cypress Creek Municipal Utility District No. 1 Board of Directors believes in an open, transparent, and democratic local government. There are rules to establish a uniform and orderly process for directors and citizens to be involved in their government, while encouraging and inviting their participation. These rules are intended to be simple and reasonable, allowing for common sense and good governance. They are not intended to restrict debate, dissent, open government, or the legislative process.

How can I get myself added to the MUD’s email list?

Do you want to add your email address to the list for email blasts from the District, or do you need to check or change your email info?  Use the Contact form to let us know how we should contact you.

What is MUD property tax used for?

Anything allowed by State law, specifically Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code, which includes MUD operations, maintenance, and bond payments. Financials are in the regular monthly board meeting packets found on the website.

Can you give me more property tax detail?

Here is the property tax order.

The Debt Service portion of the tax can only be used for the bond debt that the MUD has issued to pay for the water and wastewater infrastructure. The Maintenance and Operations (M&O) portion of the tax is used for everything else.

Fund balances from M&O can be transferred to Debt Service, but not the other way around because, by Texas state law, taxes collected for debt can only be used for debt. Also, the MUD’s Debt Service obligations will soon start to decrease.

Where can I find a notice to purchasers or notice to buyers?

A person who proposes to sell or convey real property located in a district must give to the purchaser the written notice as provided by Texas Water Code Section 49.452.  The notice to purchasers can be viewed from this link or from the Financial page of the web site.

The street light is not working, whom do I call?

You can report street light outages to Director Whittington, or if you prefer self service, you can call PEC directly:

Let PEC know if the light at your location is in need of repair. They will call you to confirm and process your request.

Scheduled service is completed Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., except on holidays. If you need your request completed within the next two business days, please call them at 888-554-4732 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

If possible, please mark the light with a ribbon, a rope, colored tape or even a painted rock. Please include the following information in the comments box:

    • Details of the situation: For example, if the light is blinking on and off, does not go off or does not come on.
    • Description of the light location: For example, “on the right if you are facing the house,” “at the front of the property near the street” or “in the backyard.”  Most light poles have a number on them for identification.
    • Indicate how you marked the light to help their crews identify it.

What City of Cedar Park amenities may I use?

Because the MUD’s fire protection agreement with the City of Cedar Park was recently updated by the City, pools, library, and recreation facilities are no longer available to MUD residents at the same rates and fee schedules as those charged to residents of the City.  District residents must now pay non-resident rates to access these amenities.

How are residential water and wastewater lines maintained?

Residents maintain the lines between the meter and the house, and inside the house.

Through the current contract between the MUD and the City of Cedar Park, the City maintains the water and wastewater lines that run throughout the neighborhood that are on the “street” side of the residential meters. The MUD’s landscaping waterlines that run along Sun Chase and elsewhere are maintained by the MUD.

Who built the roads in the MUD?

The original developer built the roads while building the houses, and, depending on location, conveyed the roads to Williamson County or Travis County. Therefore, these Counties now own and maintain the roads.

Who do I contact if I have road maintenance concerns?

Please contact the appropriate County (Williamson or Travis) if you have road concerns, since they are responsible for road maintenance within the MUD.