
Stormwater runoff is a serious water pollution problem we currently face because this runoff may carry oil, grease, fertilizer, and other pollutants into the storm drain, where it will flow directly into local creeks, rivers, and lakes. Home development increases pollution of storm water because rainwater running off impervious surfaces such as roofs, parking lots, and driveways will carry pollutants directly into our storm sewers, rather than seeping through the ground in a natural filtering process. These pollutants may negatively impact aquatic plants and fish, the aesthetic enjoyment of community waters, and our drinking water systems. In addition, we may face higher costs to treat contaminated water.

In response to the problem of stormwater pollution, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”) issued a general permit to authorize discharges from small municipal storm sewer systems (MS4s) into the surface waters of the state. The Ranch at Cypress Creek Municipal Utility District No. 1 (the “District”) maintains such a storm sewer system and has been issued a Phase II MS4 permit for small MS4s.

A requirement of this permit is that the District develop a Draft Storm Water Management Plan (“SWMP”) that describes actions the District will take to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water discharges. The SWMP includes implementation of provisions for (i) public outreach and participation, including storm drain labeling and distribution of educational material; (ii) detection and elimination of unlawful discharges; (iii) construction and post-construction runoff control; and (iv) pollution prevention.

District Stormwater Maps of Inlets, Watershed, and Facilities

District Stormwater Fact Sheet

Stormwater Management Plan Year 1 Annual Report

Stormwater Management Plan Year 2 Annual Report

Stormwater Management Plan Year 3 Annual Report

Stormwater Management Plan Year 4 Annual Report

The District is currently implementing the SWMP. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the storm water permit or the SWMP, please contact the Stormwater Committee.

Stormwater Committee

Purpose:  Handle stormwater issues, to include Phase II (small) MS4 permit requirements.

MUD Board committee members:
Patrice Coles
Becky Tran

The District has volunteer openings on the Stormwater Committee.  Duties for the Stormwater Committee include assisting with drainage outlet cleanup, graffiti cleanup, waterway cleanup, checking and clearing the storm drains for debris and clogs, and cleanup of waste and pet waste in the park and public areas.


to become a member of or to help the committee.

Contact the Committee if you have any stormwater concerns.

Stormwater Management Practices

Stormwater Committee Updates

Action ItemStatusDates
Inspection - storm drain labelsComplete2/23/2019
Stormwater Committee meetingComplete4/30/2019
Inspection - wet conditions, all sectionsComplete5/3/2019
Sediment removal - section 13Complete6/20/2019 - 6/28/2019
Inspection - storm drain labelsComplete6/22/19
Inspection - detention ponds, sections 1, 3, 12, 13Complete10/22/2019
Inspection - Stormwater outflowsComplete10/28/2019
Sediment removal - section 13Complete11/8/19 -11/9/19
Replace missing storm drain labelsComplete11/14/19 - 11/17/19
Pollution prevention - street sweeping, all sectionsComplete11/14/19 - 11/15/19
Sediment removal - section 13Complete11/22/19 - 12/9/19
Stormwater Committee meetingComplete12/17/2019
Submit Year 1 Annual Report to TCEQComplete3/19/2020
Inspection - all sectionsComplete4/22/2020
Sediment removal - section 5Complete5/9/20 - 5/19/20
Sediment removal - section 4Complete5/20/20 - 6/17/20
Inspection - all sections, review with residentsComplete10/22/2020
Inspection - all sections, review with EngineerComplete11/12/2020
Stormwater Committee meetingComplete12/2/2020
Inspection - all sectionsComplete12/5/2020
Inspection - all sections, with EngineerComplete12/12/2020
Sediment removal - section 5Complete12/15/20 - 12/18/20
Sediment removal - section 1Complete12/15/20 - 1/18/21
Graffiti removal - section 5Complete12/20/2021
Sediment removal - section 6Complete1/19/21 - 1/20/21
Inspection - section 1Complete3/9/2021
Inspection - section 2Complete3/11/2021
Stormwater Committee meetingComplete3/24/2021
Storm debris removalComplete3/29/21 - 4/16/21
Submit Year 2 Annual Report to TCEQComplete3/31/2021
Hazardous waste removal - publish prescription drug takeback on web siteComplete4/5/2021
Sediment removal - section 6Complete4/11/2021
Revise district mapsComplete4/13/2021

You and Watershed Protection

Below are links to District brochures regarding stormwater pollution prevention:

Stormwater Quality Fact Sheet After the Storm - A Citizen's Guide to Understanding Stormwater Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff The Solution to Stormwater Pollution Stormwater Pollution Bookmark

Please contact the District’s Stormwater Committee if you would like a physical copy of this brochure.

The City of Austin maintains the City of Austin Watershed Protection Education website – a wonderful resource encouraging environmental stewardship. One of the resources there is A Watershed Community, a beautiful brochure with an overview of Austin-area watershed information.

Did you know that most of the City of Cedar Park is located within either the Recharge or Contributing Zone of the Edwards Aquifer? This aquifer provides water for municipal, industrial, and agricultural purposes as well as containing rare and endangered species. The Edwards aquifer is created by water running through rocks until they dissolve, so fractures, caves, sinking streams, and sinkholes act as conduits to the aquifer from the surface. This means that any surface pollution from stormwater runoff or spills will directly impact the water quality of the aquifer, possibly impairing drinking water and affecting the sensitive ecosystem. To preserve these beneficial uses, Texans must protect water quality in this aquifer and other waterways from degradation resulting
from human activity.  Familiarize yourself with the City of Cedar Park’s information on Storm Drain Water Quality and how stormwater runoff affects our community.

Learn about conserving water here.

Contact Us if you know of other resources that we can reference here.

Help us educate people on how to keep our retention pond parks clean and safe:

Do you think your dog could be a Bark Ranger?

The purpose of this program is to promote responsible use and enjoyment of our parks by citizens and their pets. Core environmental concepts are introduced including Leave No Trace Principles, Outdoor Safety for Pets, and Park Stewardship for Pet Owners. This program directly supports the mission of promoting responsible recreation, cultivating stewardship, and conserving natural resources.

Once you have completed the Bark Ranger workshop, either online or in-person, you will have the opportunity to join the City of Austin Park Rangers Service Unit. The Service Unit is an optional community of Bark Rangers that want to give back to their parks. With each dog creating about 1/2 pound of waste per day, 75 Bark Ranger graduates can prevent 37.5 lbs of waste from being left in parks daily which adds up to about 13,687.5 lbs per year! You may find them in Austin parks, volunteering or educating on responsible dog ownership. If this sounds like you, make sure to check out their web site!

You can do your part in protecting our watersheds by ensuring that your waste is disposed of properly. Here are some resources to help you:

Illegal Dumping and Hazardous Waste – Information and Reporting

It is illegal to dump items anywhere but a landfill or other approved facilities. Illegal dumping can result in fines and criminal penalties, including jail time. For more information regarding illegal dumping in your county, or information regarding how to report illegal dumping, please follow the links below:

Williamson County
Travis County

Information on hazardous waste may also be referenced on the Trash/Recycling page.

Illicit Discharge – Information and Reporting

An illicit discharge is defined as any discharge to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) that is not composed entirely of stormwater, except for discharges allowed under a TPDES permit. Non-stormwater discharges can originate from direct connections to the storm drain system from business or commercial establishments (illicit connections), or indirectly as improper surface discharges to the storm drain system.

Please click the ILLICIT DISCHARGE button below to report an illicit discharge.



Allowed Discharges

  • Air conditioning condensation
  • Dechlorinated pool water
  • Discharges from potable water sources
  • Landscape irrigation
  • Residential car washing
  • Runoff from firefighting
  • Street wash water from cleaning/maintenance (excluding street sweeper water waste)
  • Water utility line flushing

Prohibited Discharges

  • Chlorinated pool water
  • Commercial car wash wastewater
  • Dumping of liquid waste
  • Industrial process water
  • Sanitary sewer flows
  • Used oil
  • Wash-down of loading areas
  • Wastewater treatment plant effluent
  • Water softener brine backwash